Hope Inspires Faith

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I Almost Gave Up

Have you ever been so frustrated and tired that you almost gave up? If you haven’t, you are one in a million. When we are going through things, it seems like something is going wrong at every turn. Every up finds a way down, every high hits a low, every good turns to bad, every sunny day turns to rain, and the list can go on and on if you allow it.

Will I ever catch a break is a thought we often ponder in our minds. There is nothing new under the sun. Whatever it is that you are going through, someone else has gone through it before you and survived”. Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 says, “That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Someone has already experienced what you are dealing with, but the key is how they handled it versus how you choose to handle it.

Let me explain. Everyone was created differently. Our patience, tolerance, and determination are all at different levels. Life brings so many variables our way that it is easy to get off balance. We sometimes get overwhelmed by the smallest opposition. The smallest hill becomes a mountain. The high hurdle becomes a wall you can’t seem to overcome. It is all about your mindset. If you defeat yourself, you have zero chance of winning, defeating opposition, or accomplishing your goals.

What’s the alternative? First and most importantly, believe in yourself and your dreams. People can give you advice, but no one can measure the passion and determination that is inside of you. According to your faith only God knows the state of your mind, heart and soul. Everyone else just has an opinion. That doesn’t mean it applies to you.

Next, write down you vision and make it plain. Nothing guides success better than a well-documented plan. In that plan, include the process, the variables, the possible setbacks, and a plan to make adjustments.

Finally never give up on your passion to succeed. The old saying is that if you don’t succeed at first, try again. That’s a statement to live by. But only, If you make you adjusts and find out what hindered your first plan.

Failure lives only when you quit and stop trying to be successful. There is nothing wrong with starting over and going in a new direction.